Since joining the adult industry in late 2018 and seeing the rise of subscription sites, paired with the necessity of working from home, I’ve seen more and more creators getting innovative with their workspaces. In turn, I have been inspired to build a home studio in my bedroom! After a lot of planning and trial and error, I’ve enjoyed creating my dream workspace. From cam shows to clips and photo shoots, creating sets for my content, along with a cohesive, versatile workspace, has proven to be a fun and challenging part of my content process. By bringing this to fruition, I’ve been able to explore so many different sides of my creativity while transforming a space from a corner of a room into places wrought from my very imagination.

Find Your Inspiration

All across social media and different camming sites, you’ll see the workspaces of countless creators, each with their own individual touch. Whether it be favorite flowers, rave lights or your signature color, making your workspace your own can elevate your content and your mood. When I first began creating my studio, I had two bare walls and very little to work with, but after some thought and some detailed Pinterest-ing, I began building my studio into what it is today. You can draw inspiration from almost anywhere: your stage name, your personality, hobbies… or maybe you just plain like it that way!

Make the Space Work for You

When I started dressing my workspace I wanted something subtle that would complement the space I was working with. I started by covering my walls with some inexpensive curtains and fairy lights, which helped to cover any imperfections on my walls and gave a smooth, well-lit background to my photos. I was inspired by the idea of photo booths/walls at events, thinking, “I’d love to have an area that’s always ready for photos!” After adding an accent rug, I had a photo backdrop from head to toe. Over the years I eventually added a large ottoman to make taking photos more comfortable, and depending on my theme, I swap out different blankets, pillows, canopies and lighting to create different effects.
If you’re working with more limited space, I highly recommend using your bed as a backdrop for your content. I chose white bedding and used different colored blankets, pillows, wall hangings and lighting to create a space to grab my fans’ attention, and match my photo shoot or video themes.

Create Themes

One of my favorite things to do is transform my workspace with different themes, colors and sometimes a full set to make my content more immersive. Last summer, I even built a forest in my bedroom! When coming up with ideas for a theme, try the following tips:
• Start with seasons and holidays. Is it time for cozy winter vibes? Or maybe the spring blossoms are inspiring you?
• Play around with your lighting. Colors can change the mood of your photos drastically, and there are a plethora of tutorials for different lighting techniques online.
• Textiles are your friend. Blankets, rugs and even inexpensive bed sheets can help you to transform your space. I use them to cover my floors and furniture.
• Get your fans involved. Your fans love to see what you're up to. Posting workspace updates, offering an incentive to fans who buy decor from your wish list, or meeting a tip goal gets your fans just as psyched about your space as you are.

Find Storage Solutions

In our line of work we often accumulate countless toys, outfits and props. After a year of making content, I had drawers and boxes jam-packed with all of my things, and went looking for some way to store it all. I immediately went to my social media feed where fellow performers have posted all kinds of storage ideas, from putting toys in a shoe organizer to using cubbies to organize cosplays. No matter how you do it, finding the right storage solutions for you makes your workspace that much easier to navigate and organize.

At the end of the day, the important thing is to create an environment that makes you feel comfortable and happy: a space that meets your needs, and gives you a boost to do what you do best. Have fun, and happy creating!