Not happy with sales or traffic to your fan pages lately? Posting content online for free could change that. Generally speaking, if you want to make sales or direct traffic then it goes without saying that people need to know you’re selling something. The more people that know of you or your product, the greater the chances you’ll sell out (consistently). Traditional marketing is built on a funnel system. Learning how to work this funnel system and market on tube sites and social media is one of the best ways to funnel customers to your pages.

Whereas some people and products can go viral purely from word of mouth, most of us require some form of marketing to bring exposure to whatever product we may be selling. Posting previews of your content to tube sites and social media will help do just that. One common mistake a lot of people make is that they are too hesitant to post anything too good for free. The problem with this thought process is that if you save all of the best content purely for paying customers then how is anyone else ever supposed to be aware of how truly awesome all of your content is? 

The more free content you are willing to give people the more attention you will generally gain on the tube sites and social media. Obviously, if you give it all away for free then you need to come up with something else that is for sale after directing that traffic in order to make money but researching digital marketing, copywriting and SEO can help you learn how to find the best ways to find balance within all of it. Think of those times you go see a movie and walk away going “it was funny but I saw all the best parts in the commercials.” The key is balance. 

Posting previews in the form of free content is your bait. This is how you hook new or existing potential customers. After you have their attention you can then direct them up your value ladder or through the marketing funnel further. Knowing which customers are more likely to purchase which service or product will help you increase sales. This is part of targeted marketing. One of the main points of posting free content is to cast a wider net than what you can post in private for already paying subscribers so as to boost sales and help determine which buyers are more likely to take you up on your higher-priced offers.

Hiring a DMCA agent or working with a DMCA management company will help prevent catfish from stealing your pictures and pretending to be you, as well as pirates from posting your content online. If you’re going to be posting any sort of content online, having a DMCA plan of some sort is essential. There are several options on the market, do your research to find the one that best fits your needs.

The biggest thing to factor in which people forget about is Karma. If you steal content from other people online, be it in the form of pirating music, watching videos on tube sites from unverified profiles, or whatever other form of digital theft it may be, you release that energy into the universe. You get what you give. If you want people to pay for your content then you need to start paying for yours. Be the change you want to see in the world. 

Always remember, it's quality > quantity!