Pirates don’t sleep, and neither should you! As a content creator, protecting your brand is non-negotiable - it’s not just a dent in your earnings, its a total hit on your brand’s reputation!

With the New Year approaching, we’re going to make sure each and every one of you have got your brand protection LOCKED DOWN. We know piracy protection isn’t always easy to access, so this Black Friday, BranditScan is giving YOU 50% OFF our 3-MONTH Premium Bundle!

Why 3 Months Instead of a Free Trial?

That’s right! Your first-ever month with BranditScan is completely FREE - but, that alone is not enough. Why? The answer is simple: prevention is key. Our free trial gives you a glimpse into BranditScan magic, but it's the consistent, month-to-month protection that ensures your content stays YOURS.

Why Prevention Matters

BranditScan doesn't wait for threats to become problems. Our spider crawlers scan the web to find pirated links DAILY - before they're even indexed by search engines like Google. This proactive approach reduces your risks - the earlier you are, the better chance you have at preventing them from multiplying! 

Time Is Ticking…

Usually priced at $135, our 3-Month Premium Bundle is now available for a staggering low of $67.50! What are you waiting for? Its time to protect BIG and spend LESS with this limited-time offer!

SAVE TODAY on BranditScan.com!