BranditScan is not only here to save you money - but here to make you money! Wondering how you can earn some extra cash with BranditScan? Our Refer & Earn feature makes it easy!

When you subscribe to our service, you'll receive a unique affiliate link - this will be the source of your income! All you need to do is share this link with your network. For each person who subscribes using your referral, you'll earn 10% MONTHLY on their active subscription.

First things first, let's locate your unique affiliate link: 

  1. Log into your BranditScan account
  2. Go into your Dashboard
  3. Click your profile picture in the top right corner
  4. Click "Refer & Earn"
  5. Find your link & any other information you could need!

Now that you have and are ready to start sharing your link, here are some best practices to make the most out of our Refer & Earn program:

  1. Push Your Link to Creators In Need: The creator community is quite tight, and we're pretty open about our problems. Share your affiliate link with those who struggle with piracy issues! They'll benefit from our services, and you'll earn from their subscriptions.
  2. Promote Our FREE Month: BranditScan gifts your first month using our Premium Plan for FREE. Highlight this point and encourage others to test out our services! This incentive can encourage others to sign up using your affiliate link.
  3. Create Visual Content: She pictures of your dashboard, takedowns, and progress OR record a video talking about your experience with BranditScan and how others can benefit from it! Visual content tends to a lot of attention and engagement.
  4. Promote Your Affiliate Link with Dynamic Content: Use different types of content to promote your affiliate link, such as blog posts, social media posts, videos, and podcasts. Keep your content fresh and engaging to attract more referrals!

It's that simple! Wondering how you can use your earnings? You can cash out this money OR use it towards your next month's payment plan. It's always a win-win!