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Piracy Protection for Content Creators.
BranditScan Is A Member Of Google’s Trusted Copyright Removal Program
BranditScan Is A Member Of Google’s Trusted Copyright Removal Program
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Piracy Detection

We scan for Your brandname across all forms of online piracy.

Cyberlockers Video Sharing Sites Streaming Sites Google Search & Image Results Social Media Peer-to-Peer

Piracy Reporting

Scan results are visible in our intuitive dashboard. You choose what to takedown!

Desktop Dashboard Mobile Dashboard

Piracy Removal

We send DMCA takedown notices to the responsible entities and remove the links from Google Search Results.

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How Much?

Get It for


First month, then $45 (billed monthly)

Unlimited DMCA Takedowns
Unlimited Google Delisting
3 Brand Names
Email Reports
Daily Scans
SEO analysis and more!
* This price is for individual content creators only. For Agencies or Studios, click here

Why Trust Us?

Because They Do!

F. A. Q.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a 1998 United States copyright law that implements two 1996 treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It criminalizes production and dissemination of technology, devices, or services intended to circumvent measures that control access to copyrighted works (commonly known as digital rights management or DRM). It also criminalizes the act of circumventing an access control, whether or not there is actual infringement of copyright itself.

Taking control of your Brand will enable you to track down infringements, which in turn can hurt your income and image, let alone breach security when you have geo blocking part of your brand strategy. Removing as much as possible these infringements will boost your overall revenue on your legitimate brand platforms.

We offer a Takedown request tool that can automate your Takedowns. We can also delist from Google any site you no longer want indexed! Pretty neat, right?

We offer an affiliate program that will enable you to earn 10% of any purchase made by your referrals, lifetime!

In a perfect world yes, however not all sites and countries comply with DMCA. For those types, we delist them from search engine results, reducing content visibility. While we strive to provide the best service and continue to work diligently within the law to remove infringing content.

Yes! We have a "Self-Submission" sub-section witin our "Takedown" section. There, you will be able to submit any URLs you found on your own, whether it a website, or social media URLs.